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Here is how a tattoo is made:

Completed Tattoo.


After the tattoo is completed the artist will normal give you a long talk about how you should stay out of chemicals like chlorine, and stay out of harsh sunlight.


They will also tell you to keep it wrapped and as moist as possible to keep the tattoo from scabbing. Scabbing will cause cracking and cracking will cause discoloration. 

Tattoo in Progress.


This is how far the needle goes in your skin. The needle goes about half way into your skin and releases ink. 

Because of how fast the needle is going in and out it tends to get hot. That's why when you ask many how it feels they say a hot toothpick.

The Stencil.



Before anything the artist will shave you. They don't want to have any hair in the way of the needle to avoid any messups or skips of ink.


Before being the tattoo with ink and needle, the tattoo artist will make a stencil to put on your body to make sure you like where it is and how it looks. 

The stencil comes off the stencil paper with water. Much like a temporary tattoo. This way they can change and arrange it however you want. 


Once the stencil is on they can begin the process.

Popular Tattoos




Infinity signs. 


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