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The sailors went from sea to sea looking at all the different ink that they each had. Getting a tattoo was either a good luck charm or almost a trophy. You had to earn these things. Here are some examples.




The different meanings for popular tattoos.


Chicken and Pigs are put on the feet of the sailors because they believed that these were some of the only animals that couldn't swim. When or if, their ship would sink, then God would see the chick and pig. He would take them into his hands and save them and the sailor.

Deck crew would often have "hold fast" tattooed on their knuckles. To speak of the ropes that they would have to hold while sailing. Thy would most times have to move and shape the ropes. These tattoos would give them luck to do this correctly.

A sparrow or any song bird were used to symbolize 5000 nautical miles traveled. 

It was normally put onto the  collar bones.

Stars were used to give the sailors the guidance they needed in a time of worry and loss. They would look to the stars for help.

A tattoo of King Neptune is a reward of passing the Equador during duty. 

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